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Diversification – What is it?

An individual doing calculations while making notes in a book in the background and the title Diversification-What is it?

Diversification, let’s talk about it!

‘We were not taught about investing when growing up.’

Attendees have uttered this sentence multiple times during our monthly Ndovu Academy webinars.

A quick internal poll on this issue produced the following results:

Pie chart shows result of people learning about investing when growing up and shows 71% of them did

Did you learn about investing when growing up?

However, when we changed the to “Are you familiar with the proverb that says, ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?'”, we got the following results:

Pie chart results to find if people are familiar with the proverb Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?' Results show almost 100% do.

OK…Aaah…So, is this relevant to diversification?

This common proverb is arguably one of the most powerful lessons in investing. It essentially means that one should not put all resources in one area. In investing terminology, this is referred to as diversification.

Go on, tell me more….

Diversification ensures that an investor reduces the risk of losing money if an unforeseen event occurs.

Investments can be diversified (placed in different baskets) in several ways:

By asset class (bonds, shares, ETFs)

Sector (technology, sports, financial services)

Geography (Kenya, USA, China)

Currency (Kenya Shilling, US Dollar, Yen)

Over the following weeks, we shall describe each type of diversification strategy at the ndovu Academy.

How do you currently reduce risk in your investments? We are keen to hear from you. Please drop us a comment below.


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