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October 24, 2024

High Election Stakes for Americans' Wallets

Voter Sentiment: Election Outcomes Seen as Key to Financial Futures and Retirement Plans.

A significant portion believes the outcome will profoundly influence their financial circumstances, impacting their wealth, retirement, investments, expenditures, and emergency savings.

The prevailing perspective is as follows: "If my candidates succeed, I will accumulate greater wealth, enabling an earlier retirement and increase financial freedom." Should they fail, I will need to exercise greater frugality, extend my working hours, and accumulate additional funds for emergencies.

According to Kevin Jestice, executive vice president of Nationwide Investment Management Group, election results exert minimal to no influence on future investment performance.

According to a Harris Poll survey conducted online for Nationwide between August 26 and September 13, 55% of investors contend that the outcomes of next month’s presidential and congressional elections will exert a greater influence on their retirement plans than the performance of the market. The survey included nearly 2,500 adult investors possessing at least $10,000 in financial assets and nearly 600 advisors.

High Election Stakes for Americans' Wallets

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